Today we’re going to talk about how you can take one piece of content and leverage it in multiple ways to maximize your efforts. As a business owner, a roofing company, a roofing contractor, you only have so much time in your day. Putting content out is important, but how much time do you really have to spend on it? One of the things that we want to tell you is you can take one piece of content and leverage it multiple ways to get maximum effort. I’m going to explain to you a quick little sample of how you can do that and that’ll allow you maybe to think about other things that you do in your daily work environment that you might be able to capture in relay to your potential clients to help you grow your business. We’re going to start with a simple blog post. Now, for many of you, this may sound like it could be overwhelming and complicated, but it’s really not.
So what we would tell you to do is start with this. Take a video of something very simple, for this situation we’re going to talk about ladder safety. I want you to take a video of how you would properly set up a ladder on a job site. Something super simple. From the time that ladder comes out of the truck and get set to the gutter line. What’s the process of setting the feet? Tip it into the gutter. How do you hold it, is it a one man or two man job? How do you go up ? Do you attach it to the gutter line and then also how do you ascend the ladder and get back down onto the ladder from a roof and maybe even talk about if it’s a steeper slope versus a lower slope pitch. Maybe getting on a ladder from a 9:12 or getting on a ladder from a 4:12 it’s quite different. Talk about things such as not stepping on the wrung that’s above the gutterline, these sorts of things. Now, what we’re gonna do is we’re going to tell you how to leverage this multiple ways to help grow your company. First thing I do after I made the video, i’m going to actually make a blog post on my website. It’s very simple. Just go back into your website, hit new post. Now that we’ve got that in there, I’m going to do one thing every good blog post should have . I want to make sure that it’s created properly so it’s structured properly. I’ve got what’s called an H1 tag here. It’s called ladder safety. That’s going to tell any search engines what this article is about and how it relates to what my company does and it’s going to help optimize that, that blog post. Then I’m going to put some content in here and I’m going to put in an H2. So now H2 tag tag is basically how to secure a ladder. This is more about the major topic. How to approach a ladder is another H2 and so on, so forth. As long as you want to make this a video or a blog article , you can do that. Now, how do we maximize our efforts? How do we leverage this same piece of material that started out with just a video into as many ways as possible will. First we put it onto our website and a blog that’s going to help our website grow organically, so that’s going to get us for our web.
That’s going to help out there a lot. Many of you are constantly searching for content and how to put things out to social media. While I can tell you this, our experience when we’re working with roofing companies is, when they put out content that helps their customers see how they do business, how they approach their business, not just that they’re the best or that they’re going to do this and they’re going to do that. Things like taking safety into consideration these types of things. By putting out a video and my social media as a roofing company that talks about ladder safety, I’m now educating my potential consumer and showing them that we think about more than just putting their roof on. We think about safety while we’re on their property because believe it or not, many people think about that. Now I’ve got my blog, my social, and then even think about it from this standpoint. Your human resources, what are you doing internally to help your employees or subcontractors practice better safety habits. Just in this little piece of content that I took in a video and now I’m up to three different ways that I can leverage this. I’ll tell you, the list goes on with the same piece of content. You do not have to put out tons and tons of content. You can take one piece of content and put it out in many different ways.
Think about this. Take it. Use it. Good luck out there.