Social Media Optimization Is Part Of A Good Search Engine Optimization Plan
Roofing Brand believes in Social media optimization (SMO) the use of social media outlets and communities to generate publicity to increase the awareness of your companies brand. We utilize a variety of types of social media such as RSS feeds, social news and bookmarking sites as well as social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, video and blogging sites. We believe that SMO plays an important role in search engine optimization (SEO) in that the goal is to generate traffic and awareness for a website. In general social media optimization refers to optimizing a website and its content in terms of sharing across social media and networking sites.
Roofing Brand has noticed search engines are increasingly utilizing the recommendations of users of social networks such as Facebook, twitter, and Google+ to rank pages in the search engine results pages. Our goal is to increase a company’s social media reach and gain followers. When a webpage is shared or “liked” by a user on a social network it counts as a “vote” for that webpages quality. Since it is more difficult to tip the scales or influence the search engines in this way, search engines are putting more stock into social search. The key here is to give Google what Google wants.
Personalized Search based on interests and location, has significantly increased the importance of a social media presence in search engine optimization. Due to personalized search results, location-based social media presences on websites such as Yelp, Google Places, Foursquare, and Yahoo! Local have grown increasingly important.
Social Media Optimization focuses on driving traffic from sources other than search engines but one of the biggest benefits is increased search rankings based on search engine algorithms.
Social media optimization is amplified word of mouth marketing.
Roofing Brand follows social trends and utilizes alternative social networks allowing our clients websites to retain existing followers while also attracting new ones. This allows your business to build an online following and presence, all linking back to your company’s website for increased traffic.
One of the most effective ways Roofing Brand drives SEO is through the use of our blogs, we create a similar result by sharing content through the use of RSS and blog search engines.
Keeping Your Good Name Good
Roofing Brand also leverages Social media optimization as part of an online reputation management (ORM) or search engine reputation management (SERM) strategy for organizations who care about their online presence.