On today’s episode of Roofing Contractors Marketing Minute today we’re going to talk about pay per click. For those of you who are using pay per click to get your company out there in a search on a search engine like Google, you’re probably familiar that you’re going to use keywords that are going to get your company found in the ad section of a google search. When you do a search and it says ad next to it . That’s a paid search, so every time somebody clicks on that, you’re being charged money, the ticket is that you want to make sure that you’ve got the right keywords so you’re not being found under the keywords that aren’t going to give people what they really want. If somebody finds your site on accident, you still pay for it, but they’re definitely not going to call you and buy from you if you’re not what they’re trying to look for.
I’m going to give you a prime example of what I see quite often when non roofing company specific marketers do pay-per-click ads for, for roofing contractors, and now this is not a shot at them. It’s just pretty common. So what you don’t want to have is you don’t want to pay anything more than you needed to for clicks that aren’t going to get you any business. So a good way to minimize your pay-per-click expense is to make sure you understand which keywords are looking at. So if we go over here, we take a look and I’ve typed in shingle supplier. Now if I’m a homeowner that’s looking for some shingles, I’m going to type in shingle supplier because I say I want to buy a bundle of shingles that I’m trying to match to my house because maybe one blew off or or something.
I’ll get a little shed. I’m going to shingle up or whatever. Well, when I type in shingles supplier, it should really just show me suppliers and here this company, they’re paying for this ad space that’s being found or the keywords of shingles supplier. And so now somebody clicks on your page unknowing they’re going to find a roofing contractor that’s not a single supplier, so they’re going to click it. Now, an ad space like this is going to cost anywhere from 15 to $35 per click. So as soon as I click them,it’s going to cost you 20, 30 bucks just for that click and it’s going to take away from his marketing budget. There’s a lot of these keywords that are out there that you want to make sure you’re avoiding and you can set up what’s called negative keywords. So if you’re a roofing contractor, you may want to tell your marketer to use a negative keyword(s). Think about that and it’s gonna make a big difference when it comes to your overall pay-per-click budget.
So think about it. Take it, Use it. Good luck out there.